Welcome to my website

For five years between 2019 and 2024 I helped grow and manage a mortgage team that reached some pretty incredible heights, including our primary loan officer finishing #30 in the nation out of all mortgage loan officers nationwide in production by units. It’s as close to a sure bet of a job that exists in the mortgage business, which is why deciding to walk away and become a solo producing mortgage loan officer was a decision that was not made easily.

So why start a new mortgage team? Well to answer that, we have to go back two decades to when a couple of teenagers met in highschool, and created a friendship that would evolve and fortify itself numerous times over the next 20 years. Deciding to get her mortgage license in 2016, my highschool friend Bre Freed would make a career move that would change both of our lives forever. Not long after, she was convincing me that this was an industry I would fall in love with and she was so right. Through years of taking our careers down different roads, we always dreamed about what it would be like to put our own team together. However the time and place never seemed to be just right.

Enter Edge Home Finance, a massive brokerage with the level of products, speed, technology and support that had everything her and I ever hoped for in a mortgage company. At Edge, we have access to products that I’ve never had before in my career, as well as the speed and products that were a “must have” for me to continue to have access to in order to succeed. Now fully equipped with a wide range of real estate programs, I am excited to share years of experience that can only be gained by working with some of the top loan officers in the nation.

Apply, call or text and let’s talk more about you and your lending needs!